Teaching materials and publications developed by KAI material develoment team, staffs and teachers.
Materials and Publications for Learners
Ohayoo – Asado kun to manabu nihongo
- General Editor: Hiroko Yamamoto
- Authors: Yamashita Atsuko, Nakamura Kazuhiro, Oyama Shiano
- Cover Design, Character Design and Illustration, Translatio: Reda Lemeden
Elementary Japanese textbook for Arabic-speaking children. With the navigator Asado-kun, the same character from the kana workbooks, children can enjoy learning Japanese language and culture.

Nihongo o kakoo! – Hiragana for Arabic Children
- by Hiroko Yamamoto
- Cover design, illustrations, Arabic translation and image production: Reda Lemeden
- Illustrations of vocabruaries: Mitsuki Yanagihara
Hiragana workbook for Arabic-speaking children. Hiragana characters are introduced with Arabic sounds and image.

Nihongo o kakoo! – Katakana for Arabic Children
- by Kazuhiro Nakamura and Hiroko Yamamoto
- Cover design and Arabic translation: Reda Lemeden
- Illustrations of vocabruaries: Mitsuki Yanagihara
Katakana workbook for Arabic-speaking children who has finished learning hiragana.

“Character Conversation” vol. 1-3
“Character Conversation” vol. 1-3
“Character Conversation” is a unique approach in language learning designed and developed focusing on a better understanding of communication. It is a method of conversation practice by setting up variety of characters, each with different personality and movement of mind. Personality of each character is based on the established theory called “transactional analysis”.
Character Conversation vol. 1 Maeda House Story “Encounters”
- Written by: Emi Matsuo, Ayako Masuda, Naomi Matsumoto, Fumiko Kuramoto, Toyoko Kono
- Illustration by: Masami Mochizuki
The residents of the Maeda house, from different countries and cultures, interact and exchange ideas to get to know each other better. (2 CDs included)

Character Conversation vol. 2 Maeda House Story “Conflicts”
- Written by: Emi Matsuo, Ayako Masuda
- Illustration by: Masami Mochizuki
The Maeda house residents get to know each other better and begin to build closer relationships. This second volume introduces conflicts they face as their relationships become closer. (2 CDs included)

Character Conversation vol. 3 Maeda House Story “Understanding”
Written by: Emi Matsuo, Ayako Masuda
Illustration by: Masami Mochizuki
- Written by: Emi Matsuo, Ayako Masuda
- Illustration by: Masami Mochizuki
The characters of the Maeda House now know each other well. In this last chapter of the series, the Maeda house residents overcome conflicts and begin to build yet new and deeper relationship. (1 CD included)

Materials and Publications for Teachers
A New Perspective on Japanese Teaching (Jissen nihongo shidoo minaoshi bon)
【Vocabulary and grammar】
- Edited by: K. A. I. T.
- Publisher: ASK
This book proposes Japanese teachers a new perspective on Japanese teaching. Focusing on the beginner level vocabulary and grammar, it analyzes how communication and Japanese teaching are interrelated.

A New Perspective on Japanese Teaching (Jissen nihongo shidoo minaoshi bon)
【Functional Word】
- Edited by: K. A. I. T.
- Publisher: ASK
This book proposes Japanese teachers a new perspective on Japanese teaching. Focusing on the intermediate level “functional words”, it analyzes the situational usage of the words and synonyms.